Chaos Magick
Chaos magick is a dynamic approach to navigating life's complexities and embracing the inevitable mysteries of existence.
By acknowledging the perpetual chaos in our reality, practitioners of chaos magick learn to grasp and shape cosmic forces to their client’s advantage.
Utilising psycho magick as a fundamental principle, our Choas Magick expert Daisy is here to offer an alternative look at one's approach to this life and the impending yet beautiful reality of death. She works with the principles of chaos and the unknown, to utilise and advance life in this reality. When one acknowledges the eternal chaos we live in, one (as a chaos magician) can then begin to learn how to control the cosmos to their advantage in life.
Utilising strands of esotericism, ancient and contemporary, Eastern and Western, from psycho magick, to visualisation, and candle craft, to movement - there is no one way to best approach the changing of circumstances in your life, but it can help when you find the approaches you resonate with. All of Daisy’s workings are designed alongside the lunar year, the seasons, the instincts, and the universal energy. As above so below. Ultimately, Daisy is here to assist and increase the positive circumstances for individuals on their sacred and often chaotic journey through this life, utilising the power of magick and spell casting and aid in the manifestations of desired, needed and necessary things.
What Happens During a Chaos Magick Treatment?
Consisting of 3 online meetings with practitioner Daisy, you’ll experience magcial workings to manifest your relality/desires.
This work consists of 3 online meetings.
Prior to these sessions, Daisy kindly ask that she be sent a comprehensive email outlining the situation, desires, and reasons behind your wish for an appointment. Please do be aware that Daisy retains the option to decline the work at any stage of the process, and additionally, she will prioritise sessions with mutual agreement and collaboration, so any work that opposes the will of others will understandably not be entertained.
After Daisy receives this email, you’ll organise a one-hour meeting to discuss desires and work one-on-one.
During this, you can establish a mutual understanding, as clients get to comprehend Daisy’s work and she grasps your needs. She’ll also work energetically, to help understand the deeper workings of the client, utilising reiki, body scans and tarot.
If both are happy to move ahead, you can organise a second meeting, of 45 minutes, where client and practitioner search together for the best way to manifest the reality/desires of the client. Throughout, Daisy will utilise the fundamental principles of chaos and Sigilisation, to finalise and decide on what shape you want the work to take, and where/when it will happen.
Between these two meetings it is expected that the clients do their own research, pay attention to dreams, and find, as they see best, a route to their final spell working. As the intention and hard work of the client is as much a part of the manifesting process as anything else.
After the second meeting you’ll set forth on the 'casting' of the spell work or intention. There won’t be any speaking again before the spell casting, so it’s important that both are very clear in the second meeting what will happen in the spell working, where and when. It is very much ensemble work. Though Daisy will guide and lead, both herself and the client are involved in the magical workings.
A month after the work has been cast, you will meet for a final time to discuss the happenings that occurred once the spell has been set in motion. She is happy to speak before a month's time if it is necessary for the client. This will last maximum 1 hour, but in general around 45 minutes. During this time, she can also aid in potential workings one can undertake alone.
Appointments can be booked below, or go to our ‘Book’ page, find ‘Energy Healing’ and get in your appointment with Daisy!
Payment method is as follows: clients pay for the first meeting, then if they’re happy to move ahead after the first, they’ll pay for the two final meetings and the spell work itself, totalling to £140.
£50 for 1 hour (1st consulation) £90 for 2nd & 3rd meeting