Combatting Summer Edema and Upcoming Online Masterclasses

By Claire Sands and Tara Rivero Zea

During the summer months, the heat and humidity can often make us feel sluggish and more tired than usual. Some of us often find we experience swelling in the body, which is known as Edema.

  • When we are exposed to hot weather, the heat to our skin increases and our blood vessels dilate, or naturally expand. Fluid leaks from the vessels into surrounding tissues which causes swelling, and usually affects the feet, ankles and legs.

  • People more likely to be affected with heat edema are those who sit or stand for long periods of time, who have certain medical conditions, high salt retention, or, who are pregnant.

  •  Massage assists in reducing swelling and removing excess fluid by encouraging lymphatic drainage, whereby ‘lymph’ is filtered - the fluid which drains from our cells and tissues, and is eventually released from the body as waste. Helping to boost circulation is a great reason to book a massage because it helps to move blood and lymph through congested areas, flushing fresh blood and oxygen into the muscles and tissues. 

  • Gravity also plays a part, as it encourages large volumes of fluid down the legs. Did you know the calf muscle is known as the second heart? It helps pump blood upwards, back towards the heart. Elevating your feet is a good way to help fluids move efficiently away from the feet and ankles. Make some time to relax and lie down with your feet and legs resting higher than the heart.


  • Lively, fun and interactive online belly dancing sessions, with room for women of all levels from beginner, intermediate and advanced. 

    Click here to read more!

  • In this class you’ll learn a combination of stretches, exercises and self-massage techniques for the face and neck to help ease symptoms associated with TMJ Dysfunction and facial tension.

    Click here to read more!

  • Learn what it means to be a practitioner of Chaos Magick. Expect to try some practical magick, such as group meditations, creations of spells and sigils, chanting, dancing and much more. 

    Click here to read more!

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